The firm is committed to provide equal opportunities in employment.
This means that all job applicants and employees will receive equal treatment regardless of gender, sexual orientation, marital status, race, colour, age, nationality, ethnic or national origins, religious beliefs or disability.
We periodically monitor the diversity profile of our team through an anonymous collection of data. During this we gather statistics on age, gender, ethnicity, disability, faith, sexual orientation, socio-economic backgrounds and caring responsibilities. Whilst data in relation to all of these matters is disclosed to the ICAEW, we only publish a summary of some of these results on our website to protect the confidentiality of our team.
Our current data indicates that more than half the work force is less than 45 years of age. Over a quarter of our staff are enrolled on a formal training course. And around 50% did not attend university.
In recent years we have recruited more college leavers onto Accounting Technician (AAT) courses, compared with recruitment of graduates onto Chartered Accountant (ACA) courses, and we expect this trend to continue in the future. We also provide additional training opportunities for existing staff e.g. ACA qualified staff studying for their Chartered Tax Adviser (CTA) qualification.
Please find below a brief analysis from the most recent review in April 2023.
The results are collated from the data of the staff that completed the survey; staff are not obliged to complete the survey.